Nightwine Productions LLC
Film & Streaming Productions
Webcast Advertising

Do you have a product or service you'd like to promote?
The Nightwine Network has a wide range of advertising opportunities to fit any budget. Promote your brand and get involved in your community by advertising on NWNTV today.
How much does it cost?
You set your budget. There are a variety of ways to advertise during a sports webcast.
They include:
15 second pop-up banner
15 second full-screen ad
30 second commercial
Quarter sponsorship
Halftime sponsorship
Your ad may run one time or multiple times depending on the ad inventory during each game.
Description of Ads
15 Second Pop-up - $200/Season
A pop-up banner will display in the lower third of the screen. The ad can contain up to two lines of text or a graphic, such as a logo.
15 Second Full Screen Ad - $300/Season
The ad can be static text with or without graphics. The ad will appear full screen during the webcast.
Match Sponsorship (Wrestling) - $300/Season
A banner will display in the upper third of the screen. The ad can contain up to two lines of text or a graphic, such as a logo. If will be display during the entire wrestling match.
30 Second Commercial - $500/Season
The ad is geared toward 30 second commercials, but can also be for text/graphic-based ads.
Quarter Sponsorship - $100
The banner ad will be located in the upper left quadrant of the screen and display during the entire quarter. The ad can contain up to two lines of text or a graphic, such as a logo. The ad will be translucent so that the game is still visible.
Half-Time Sponsorship - N/A
The banner ad will be located in the upper left quadrant of the screen and display during half-time. This also includes a live game read of your company while time is spent going over half-time statistics.
Commercial Development
For sponsors, Nightwine can produce a 30 second commercial for your company. Refer to the Film Production page for information on development and pricing. For text/graphic ads, Nightwine will develop your ad at a cost of $75.00 (this includes the $25 one time fee. to format for broadcasting). Both the commercials and text ads can be reused during the season.
A one-time fee of $25 will be accessed to any text/graphic-based ad for broadcast formatting purposes. Reusing the ad at a later date will not incur any further costs.